Prestige Kennels’ Mars
DOB: June 19, 2020
WEIGHT: 103 lbs.
HEIGHT: 20.5″
To View Mars’ Full 5 Generation Ped Link Click Here

Mars is our Juneteenth baby! He is a handsome, laid back, loyal companion. He is the epitome of a loving, yet protective Bully. He posts himself outside on the landing or on the balcony and keeps watch over the house and the neighborhood. He enjoys showing off in the dog show ring, but he is also quite content to chill and watch football all afternoon. He also loves taking walks each day. Mars is a leader, but does so with a gentle and often playful spirit. He also is quite an accomplished yogi, as he does yoga every morning on his own mat! He is grandson of Grand Champion Beastro of the Bully Market and son to Hall of Fame Nelson Mandela.
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